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· 4 min read

Last month was a big one for the RabbitMQ community because RabbitMQ Summit happened in London! If you missed the event, or if you were at the event, but missed a session in the other track, all the recordings are now available. Also, be sure to check out our overview blog for an easy-to-digest summary of what’s new in RabbitMQ 3.8.

More new 3.8 features and lessons learned will be covered in an upcoming webinar, by RabbitMQ core team member Gerhard Lazu. Tune in on December 12th!

· 6 min read

This Month (and the month before) in RabbitMQ — October and September recap!

We’re a little behind this month! At the beginning of October, we shipped RabbitMQ 3.8. That’s right, folks, RabbitMQ 3.8 is finally out!

Headline features include:

You’ll find some early reviews from folks in the community who have been kicking the tires in the community updates section below. Make sure you are all over the upgrades best practices to avoid potential hazards of upgrading to RabbitMQ 3.8.

· 6 min read

RabbitMQ 3.8 has just been released and has some major new features which focus on reliability, operations, and observability.

You can find the new 3.8 release on the GitHub releases page which includes information about what is included in the release as well as various installation assets. See our upgrade guide for more information about upgrading to 3.8.0.

Our team dedicates this release to Joe Armstrong, the creator of Erlang. Joe’s work in the fields of concurrent and distributed systems benefits RabbitMQ to this day. Equally importantly, Joe was a rare example of a brilliant engineer who was also very humble and kind.

Let’s take a quick look at the new features in this release.

· 4 min read

Welcome back for another edition of This Month in RabbitMQ! Exciting news is that the first release candidate for RabbitMQ 3.8 is now available!

Be sure to catch up on what is new in 3.8 by reading the release notes and watching this webinar replay.

We are starting to countdown until RabbitMQ Summit in London on November 4. The RabbitMQ team is looking forward to sharing updates on the project, but we’re also looking forward to hearing from end-users like Bloomberg, WeWork, Softonic, and Zalando. Be sure to register and snag a spot in one of the training add-on courses.

· 5 min read

Welcome back for another edition of This Month in RabbitMQ! Some big news last month was Pivotal announced a forthcoming alpha of Pivotal RabbitMQ for Kubernetes.

You can inquire about the alpha here. As part of that announcement, RabbitMQ was mentioned in coverage in Business Insider, Container Journal, SiliconANGLE, Storage Review, The New Stack, and ZDNet. Pretty cool!

Before we move on to the update from the core team and our wonderful community, a reminder that prices for RabbitMQ Summit go up on August 22, so get your tickets now!

You can add on RabbitMQ training to your ticket—basic and advanced courses are available. Great talks planned from Bloomberg, WeWork, Softonic, the Erlang Solutions and CloudAMQP teams, as well as the core RabbitMQ engineers, of course.

· 4 min read

Welcome back for another edition of This Month in RabbitMQ! In June, we saw the RabbitMQ Summit agenda start to go live, featuring some great returning speakers as well as new faces. There are also a couple of training sessions offered to add onto your ticket. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in all things RabbitMQ for a couple of days. Registration is open, so book your tickets now before the prices go up in August!

· 4 min read

Welcome back for another edition of This Month in RabbitMQ! Keep sharing your war stories and lessons learned out there, and tweet them with #rabbitMQ to get them on our radar for inclusion in these write-ups.

As we march towards RabbitMQ 3.8 going GA, be sure to catch the replay of the webinar we did last month on what’s new in RabbitMQ 3.8.

Jack Vanlightly also did some coverage on the Single Active Consumer feature in 3.8, adding to his earlier coverage on Quorum Queues.

· 3 min read

Couple of key public service announcements this month. First, the deadline for submitting a talk for RabbitMQ Summit 2019 (5 November in London UK) was May 10. We had a great line-up last year at the inaugural event and we’re looking forward to an even better event this fall.

Then, on May 23, we’ll be doing an overview of what’s new in RabbitMQ 3.8 (beta 4 of which has dropped recently). Whether you’re a couple versions behind, or on the latest 3.7.14 release, you’re going to want to learn about the latest features and changes.

· 4 min read

RabbitMQ 3.8 is coming! If you haven’t already played with the beta (version 3 is now available), it’s time to start familiarizing yourself with what’s coming. Karl Nilsson and I will present on a webinar in May to walk through what’s new, so please register and attend.

We are also starting to look forward to the next RabbitMQ Summit, once again in London this coming November. The call for talks is open until May 10, so please consider sharing how you are using RabbitMQ or something you have tried and learned and want to share with the community.