This Month in RabbitMQ, January 2020 Recap
Introducing TGI RabbitMQ! Inspired by TGI Kubernetes, RabbitMQ engineer, Gerhard Lazu has begun a series of tutorial videos. Tune in at the end of each month for the latest release. In January, Gerhard covered upgrading from 3.7 to 3.8. Star and watch the repository for future episode updates.
Also, be sure to check out the dashboards we’ve published to Grafana. These are a great way to get started with the new Prometheus and Grafana support in 3.8.
Project Updates
- First public beta version of Pivotal RabbitMQ for Kubernetes.
- Spring AMQP 2.2.3
- Hop 3.6.0 is released with new features and dependency upgrades. The HTTP client for the classic blocking client is now pluggable, making it possible to use OkHttp instead of Apache HTTPComponents.
Community Writings and Resources
- 1 Jan: Hyun Sun Ryu (@hsunryou) wrote about installing RabbitMQ 3.8 on CentOS 8.0
- 1 Jan: (@Cakazies1) published about messaging in Golang with RabbitMQ
- 4 Jan: Ben Lovy published a beginners description of several “buzzword-y” technologies, including RabbitMQ, looking for feedback and corrections
- 8 Jan: Sunny Beatteay (@SunnyPaxos) published a really interesting article about how DigitalOcean re-architected a system that had grown to 15,000 database connections because they were using MySQL as an event queue, to using RabbitMQ
- 8 Jan: Robin Moffatt (@rmoff) wrote about Streaming messages from RabbitMQ into Kafka with Kafka Connect
- 9 Jan: Dormain Drewitz (@DormainDrewitz) published a list of the top 10 RabbitMQ Influencers of 2019
- 9 Jan: Szymon Mentel (@szymonmentel) published a 5 minute video overview of RabbitMQ along with a post with notes and links to try it yourself (in Polish)
- 9 Jan: Oriol Canalias (@iandarigun) published the first part of an introduction to RabbitMQ (in Portuguese)
- 10 Jan: Gabriele Santomaggio (@GSantomaggio) added Helm support for his RabbitMQ Operator for Kubernetes
- 12 Jan: Pawel Duda (@pawel_duda) wrote about why queues can be empty after a restart and what to do about it
- 13 Jan: Marcin Lewandowski (@marcin_elem84) wrote about confirming messages in RabbitMQ (in Polish)
- 13 Jan: Davide Guida (@DavideGuida82) wrote about using the Outbox pattern with RabbitMQ to improve microservices reliability
- 15 Jan: Mike Møller Nielsen (@MikeMoelNielsen) published a
[video on using a RabbitMQ PerfTest]
( ) (performance testing tool)
- 15 Jan: Oriol Canalias (@iandarigun) published the second part of an introduction to RabbitMQ in Portuguese
- 16 Jan: Renzo Tejada Chung (@TejadaRenzo) published about using Docker Compose with RabbitMQ (in Spanish)
- 17 Jan: Linux Conference Australia 2020 published a talk by Rafael Martinez Guerrero (@rafaelma_) on what goes on behind the scenes of an ELK system, including the role of RabbitMQ (video, slides)
- 17 Jan: Lovisa Johansson (@lillajja) wrote up the Annual RabbitMQ Report 2020 from CloudAMQP
- 17 Jan: Samuel Owino (@SamProgramiz) published an introduction to AMQP 0.9.1, which is one of the protocols supported in RabbitMQ
- 18 Jan: Deependra Kushwah wrote up installing RabbitMQ on Windows
- 25 Jan: Narongsak Keawmanee published an introduction to using RabbitMQ with Node.js
- 27 Jan: Todd Sharp (@recursivecodes) published about getting started with RabbitMQ in Oracle Cloud
- 27 Jan: Todd Sharp (@recursivecodes) also published a video about how to install and run RabbitMQ in Oracle Cloud
- 27 Jan: Abhishek Yadav wrote an explainer about RabbitMQ as a Service Bus in the context of ASP.NET Core
- 28 Jan: Richard Seroter (@rseroter) wrote about trying out the new replicated, durable quorum queues in RabbitMQ 3.8
- 28 Jan: Nur Erkartal published about using the Outbox pattern with RabbitMQ at Trendyol
- 29 Jan: Lovisa Johansson (@lillajja) wrote about message priority in RabbitMQ
- 30 Jan: Nicholas Barrett (@T00MEKE) published about setting up a RabbitMQ cluster in Kubernetes with external HTTPS and AMQPS access
- 30 Jan: Lovisa Johansson (@lillajja) wrote about RabbitMQ and Erlang upgrades
- 31 Jan: Georgy @georgysay wrote about using RabbitMQ with .NET Core (in Russian)
- 31 Jan: Gerhard Lazu (@gerhardlazu) published the first episode of TGI RabbitMQ on how to upgrade from RabbitMQ 3.7 to 3.8
Ready to learn more?
- 13 Feb, online: Free webinar on How to Build Reliable Streaming Pipelines with RabbitMQ and Project Reactor
- 20 Feb, online: Hashitalks 2020 features a talk on Securing RabbitMQ with Vault by Robert Barnes (@devops_rob)
- 28 Feb, online: TGIR S01E02: Help! RabbitMQ ate my RAM!
- 5-6 Mar, San Francisco: Code BEAM SF which features these talks on RabbitMQ:
- A Novel Application Of Rabbitmq For The Reliable Automated Deployment Of Software Updates with Brett Cameron (@brc859844) and Natalya Arbit
- How RabbitMQ simplifies routing in a microservices architecture with Jianbo Li and Yijian Yang
- On-demand, online at LearnFly: Learn RabbitMQ Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring
- On-demand, online at Udemy: RabbitMQ: Messaging with Java, Spring Boot And Spring MVC
- Online, $40 buys you early access to Marco Behler’s course, Building a Real-World Java and RabbitMQ Messaging Application
- Online, Pluralsight course: RabbitMQ by Example gets good reviews
- Online: Luxoft is offering a RabbitMQ course in Russian
- Various: South Africa: Jumping Bean offers RabbitMQ training